Kydex Sheath, Dau Tranh, Tan
Kydex Sheath, Dau Tranh, Tan

Kydex Sheath, Dau Tranh, Tan

Your Price: $25.00
In Stock.
Part Number:AK-20122

Our tan Kydex sheath offers optimized security to functionally hold your Dau Tranh securely in place with little or no movement. The sheath is designed to accept loops or clips with deliberate eyelet placement. You can even attach the sheath to your gear using just 550 cord. The Dau Trahn sheath comes with a black 30 in. chain with a 20 pound tensile strength. We also offer an upgrade - a black clip/loop combo pack so you have alternate carry choices with your Dau Tranh. We know that some of you wanted a different color sheath or just don’t want to keep moving your sheath around, so we offered the "Slick" option.

No hardware included.

(For you civilians, "Slick" is a UH-1 helicopter used for transporting troops in tactical air assault operations. The helicopter did not have protruding armaments and was, therefore, "slick".)

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